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Welcome to DTNA

The Duboce Triangle Neighborhood Association (DTNA) represents the people who live or work or own property in San Francisco’s Duboce Triangle neighborhood. 

Our Mission is to protect and improve our neighborhood’s quality of life, and to ensure that the Duboce Triangle continues to be the very best place to live, work, and play in San Francisco.

Bimonthly community meetings are held the second Tuesday of even numbers months. 

Duboce Triangle News, our bimonthly newsletter, is distributed by volunteers to over 3,000 households in our neighborhood, and sent to City leaders. Read the latest issue here. Older issues can be found at the Newsletter Menu Tab. Letters to the Editor are welcome and may be published.

Committee members actively work on Local Land Use and Transportation planning including addressing Upzoning in the Triangle that will be required to meet the housing goals of the SF Housing Element.

Current initiatives include implementing a vision of Duboce Triangle in 2030, Greening the Triangle, Safety and Community Engagement. We're always looking for more neighbors to join us, so let us know if you’re interested in participating.

  • DTNA Neighborhood Meeting New Venue

  • Tuesday, February 11, 2025

  • 6:30-8:30pm

  • New Location: Gazebo Room

  • CPMC Davies Campus, 45 Castro Street

  • Enter via the Plaza (not the hospital)

  • We will gather as a community to get to know each other, learn about the new City administration, and engage in brainstorming around issues and opportunities facing our neighborhood in 2025.

    • Meet Your Neighbors Reception: Social time begins at 6:30
    • Supervisor Rafael Mandelman: President, Board of Supervisors: The State of the City
    • Brake-out sessions/World Café: Community opportunities and priorities
  • Beautification (Erik Honda & Paige Rausser)
  • Land Use (Dennis Richards)
  • Vision 2030 (Pavan Yedavalli & Nathaniel Edwards)
  • Community Building (Kimyn Braithwaite)
  • DTNA Land Use
  • The Land Use Committee meets at 7 p.m. on the third Wednesday of each month in the gazebo on the plaza level of the CPMC Davies Campus. We consider the public realm, including state and city affordable housing and density requirements, and have worked on plans to improve both the Safeway and CPMC campus spaces, our "big neighbors." Contact Dennis Richards or Eric Munsing, Land Use co-chairs, for the latest information on our work and to join our email list.

  • Duboce Triangle Vision 2030

    Building upon the ideas and concepts expressed in the Summer Vision Slow Triangle Workshops, neighbors are now looking to implement them. Traffic safety and traffic calming remain a core focus of these efforts, but complemented by three other areas, including greening & sustainability, neighborhood identity, and equitable access. To make this a reality, DTNA needs your help. Read more. Volunteer to make the vision a reality - SIGN UP HERE

Help Plant and Water a New Tree Near You

In order to have a tree planted, we need neighbors to volunteer to water the trees for a few years, until the trees develop deep enough roots. If there is an empty tree well near you, please consider helping us protect the Duboce Triangle tree canopy by watering a new tree. Read more. Contact environment@dtna.org if you can help.

From the President

Upcoming Events

Support DTNA!

Support DTNA!

  DTNA helps support the community in which you live or work.
  Your generous DTNA contribution helps pay for the printing of our bimonthly newsletter. 
  DTNA volunteers distribute the Duboce Triangle News to all of the households and businesses in our neighborhood. 

If you live or work in the neighborhood and are not yet a DTNA member, join us!

Join Us Now!          Volunteer          Donate


2261 Market Street, PMB #301, San Francisco,CA 94114

email: info@dtna.org

Phone: 628-246-2256



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