Welcome to DTNA
Our Mission is to protect and improve our neighborhood’s quality of life, and to ensure that the Duboce Triangle continues to be the very best place to live, work, and play in San Francisco. Bimonthly community meetings are held the second Tuesday of even numbers months. Duboce Triangle News, our bimonthly newsletter, is distributed by volunteers to over 3,000 households in our neighborhood, and sent to City leaders. Read the latest issue here. Older issues can be found at the Newsletter Menu Tab. Letters to the Editor are welcome and may be published. Committee members actively work on Local Land Use and Transportation planning including addressing Upzoning in the Triangle that will be required to meet the housing goals of the SF Housing Element. Current initiatives include implementing a vision of Duboce Triangle in 2030, Greening the Triangle, Safety and Community Engagement. We're always looking for more neighbors to join us, so let us know if you’re interested in participating.
In order to have a tree planted, we need neighbors to volunteer to water the trees for a few years, until the trees develop deep enough roots. If there is an empty tree well near you, please consider helping us protect the Duboce Triangle tree canopy by watering a new tree. Read more. Contact environment@dtna.org if you can help. | DTNA Updates
From the President
Upcoming Events
Meetings / Reports
DTNA helps support the community in which you live or work.
Your generous DTNA contribution helps pay for the printing of our bimonthly newsletter.
DTNA volunteers distribute the Duboce Triangle News to all of the households and businesses in our neighborhood.