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2024 DTNA Board of Directors

Board directors and officers are elected annually for one year terms. The 2023 Board was elected in February. The 2024 Board election will be held online December 6th through 12th. Candidates must be members in good standing for at least three months prior to the election. For more information, contact us.

President: Frank Tizedes
President (2022-), Director (2021), Land Use Committee Member, Noe St. neighbor

I am excited to announce my candidacy for DTNA President in 2024, committed to the mantra of "Building Community One Neighbor at a Time." Throughout Duboce Triangle, I have been a steadfast supporter of our collective successes. I pledge to champion opportunities that empower you to make a difference, endorsing your leadership initiatives and projects, fostering a community where everyone feels safe and included.

Join me, join DTNA, and be part of our community’s continued success. 

Vice President: Bob Bush

Vice President (2020-), Web Manager (2021-), Advertising Manager (2020-), Election Manager (2021-), Director (2017-2019), Past President (1985-1989). Beaver St. neighbor 

I am a San Francisco native and moved to Beaver Street in 1982 with my partner and our two Westies. I value DTNA as a Triangle community asset providing a structure for communication between Neighbors, the City and others, thereby ensuring that all who reside, own property, or work in the Triangle continue have a forum to have their voices heard.

My 2024 Goals include: (1) to continue enhancing the DTNA website as a resource for neighborhood information,  events and DTNA initiatives, optimizing DTNA communication with the Triangle community and providing transparency in what DTNA is doing, (2) as Advertising Manager, showcasing and supporting local businesses while providing funds to publish the newsletter, (3) facilitating mailing the newsletter to elected officials, City Departments & Services and personnel who have an impact on life in the Triangle so they are aware of Triangle issues and positions.

Secretary: David Troup
Secretary (2023-), Director (2004, 2016-2019), Treasurer/Membership (2005-2014), Treasurer/Membership (2005-2014); President (2015), Land Use (Member 2002-; Co-Chair 2017-2019); Newsletter Production (2005-2011); Webmaster (2009-2019); 15th St. neighbor

David has lived on 15th Street since 2001 and has been on DTNA’s Board for most of the ensuing years, serving in nearly every role.  He believes that a healthy neighborhood association works to educate neighbors and drive civic engagement for the betterment of the neighborhood.  He believes that it’s necessary to work closely with City departments to build and maintain the kind of neighborhood we want to have.

David wants to see the neighborhood grow and add more housing without losing its character or sacrificing the qualities that make Duboce Triangle such a great place to live.  Only by staying involved will we ensure that future generations will still be able to call our neighborhood the best in the city.

Treasurer: Kimyn Braithwaite
Treasurer (2022-), President (2018-2021), Land Use Co-Chair (2018-2019), Sanchez St. neighbor

Statement pending.

Editor: Erik Honda
DTNA News Editor (2023-), Secretary (2011-2012, 2020-2022), 2022 Open/Public Space Work Group Facilitator, Newsletter Copy Editor (2017-), Vice President (2013-2019), Henry St. neighbor 

Erik has lived with his family and housemates on Henry Street near Castro since 1992, and has volunteered with DTNA since the early 2000s. He has served as Vice President and Board Secretary, and is currently the editor of the DTNA News, where he has worked to champion young and diverse voices, and engaged in investigative reporting on traffic enforcement, racial bias in policing, and clearance rates for homicides and assaults.

He is committed to holding our public servants accountable by insisting that they be responsive to constituent concerns, and has focused energy on improving the equity and greenery of our neighborhood by pushing for more affordable housing, celebrating our public schools, and filling our streets with trees. He also has been active with the DTNA’s Vision 2030 project, which seeks to create a model neighborhood focused on walkability and transit. He humbly requests your vote.

Director: Hans Galland

Director (2021-), Slow Triangle, now Vision 2030 Project Manager (2022-), Land Use Committee Member, DTNA Flore Store Mural representative (2020), Noe St. neighbor

In 2022, Hans launched a “Slow Triangle” working group to have our community define how to handle public spaces in the Duboce Triangle. Supported by research, community workshops, and design by students at UC Berkeley, this effort resulted in the formulation of Vision 2030: a community-driven action plan for traffic calming, accessibility, street greening, and neighborhood identity.

In 2023, Hans teamed up with director Corbin Murao to focus on addressing the most pressing items highlighted in the Vision 2030 research, i.e. traffic calming along Sanchez and Steiner for the safety of Duboce/Steiner and 14th/Sanchez. This will continue to be our focus in 2024 along with broadening our impact by creating opportunities for members and neighbors to champion their own projects with DTNA support.

Director: Corbin Muraro

Director (2023-), Waller St. neighbor

Corbin has co-led the Vision 2030 project over the last year, which produced an active transportation workshop in the spring along with Wiggle Fest on Steiner in the fall. He also has started & grown the DTNA Instagram account to 400 followers, which has successfully helped build community and drive engagement at neighborhood events. Corbin has also been involved with various tech & design needs within the organization, and adds a distinct perspective to the board as a young renter.

Director: Jessica Martines

Director (2022-), Distribution Manager (2022-), 1 Church St. neighbor

Jessica has lived at One Church Street Apartments at the corner of Church and Duboce for 23 years. She is excited to be a Director candidate for the DTNA for a third year and feels her first two years on the Board was constructive in learning about the make-up of the Board, communication styles, meeting protocols, initiatives, committees and relationships in the community.

Jessica feels prepared to confidently make more contributions in 2024 and has embraced the role of Distribution Manager for the DTNA newsletter. In this role she coordinates zone leaders and recruits volunteer delivery persons for the timely delivery of the newsletter to every household in the Duboce Triangle.

Jessica will bring her unique experiences to the Board that will help represent other neighbors with similar experiences, She is interested in affordable housing, equal access/opportunities for  people with disabilities, safety, and building community.

Director: Paige Rausser
Director (2019-), Membership Manager (2020-), Beaver St. neighbor

Having worked in land conservation for the past 26 years, I find urban planning issues and building community as the perfect counterbalance to protecting redwoods in the Santa Cruz mountains.  I’ve lived in Duboce Triangle since 2008, and San Francisco (off and on) since 1984 – I’ve seen lots of changes in our beloved city and I know that working together we can continue to enhance the neighborhood that we all love. 

My goal in 2024 is to continue to work with land use (emphasis on well thought out affordable housing and reducing the number of empty store fronts), engage on vision 2030 (making the triangle safe for its residents), and continue to help build our membership base (which is a reflection of the vibrant community we call home).

Director: Dennis Richards
Director (2023-), Land Use Chair (2023-), President (2006-2013), Director (2005), Beaver St. neighbor

Statement pending.

Director: Eric Munsing

Land Use Committee, Vision 2030 Participant, 16th St. neighbor

When I moved to SF in 2010 I fell in love with the tree-lined streets, central location, and architecture of Duboce Triangle. The process of buying a home in 2022 showed me how important it is to welcome diverse neighbors from all walks of life.  I want to build on my work with the Land Use Committee by ensuring that the Board includes younger generations trying to find their place in San Francisco’s housing market and economy.

If elected, I will work to ensure that new housing is built to be fair, inclusive, and equitable. I will strengthen ties with the Castro Merchants’ Association to support small businesses along Market Street. I will encourage creative uses of the bulb-out plazas as community spaces.

I'm an avid cyclist and runner, and coordinate volunteer trash cleanups around the city. I live on 16th between Market and Castro.

Land Use Chair:        
Dennis Richards

Membership Manager:
Paige Rausser

Advertising Manager:
Bob Bush


2261 Market Street, PMB #301, San Francisco,CA 94114

email: info@dtna.org

Phone: 628-246-2256



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